6 Things Successful Investors Have In Common
by Andrew McGuinness Jul 16, 2019

Most people think that having capital is only the way you can become an investor. You can spend tens and thousands of dollars on a stock, a bond, or on digital currency but if you don’t have the right attitude, skills, and traits, then you won’t become a successful investor. Want to become one? Here are 6 things successful investors have in common:
1. They Diversify Their Portfolio
Smart investors know that the best way to minimize risk is to distribute your capital. Investments like real property are high-maintenance, so you might want to save some of your money for other kinds of low-maintenance investments. Look up emerging companies and trends and find something you believe in. If a certain market crashes, you will have other investments to fall back on.
2. Education Is Important to Them
Luck only does so much for you as an investor. If you’ve ever wondered how self-made billionaires can do what they did, the answer always rests on education. Your gut feeling shouldn’t be your only investment weapon. Learn new skills that can help you become a better trader.
If you’re into forex, learning local politics and culture might be the best way to maximize your profits for one currency. If you’re into cryptocurrency, researching about emerging coins instead of investing in popular ones might be the way to go. Treat life as an endless learning process and know that money shouldn’t be your only capital.
3. They Take Well-Calculated Risks
If you’ve ever seen an episode of Shark Tank, you’ll know that this popular TV show is based entirely on risks and losses. The investors take a chance on a product or service in hopes that their capital actually launches the brand into success.
As an investor, you have to find the courage to take a leap of faith and trust not-so-popular investment options. More importantly, know the market well-enough to know that you are not going to regret investing in it.
4. They Work Hard
Sure, investors have the capital to turn their big bucks into even bigger bucks, but the reason why they become richer than they are is because they put work into it.
If you want to earn money, you have to be willing to put in the hours to research. A huge part of investment is knowing that you are making the right choice. Understand the trends from 40 years ago if you have to. Plot your own price fluctuation chart so you know the best time to get into a market. Work hard to invest your capital so you can relax when the money starts rolling in.
5. Fear of Failure Is Not A Thing
Time spent worrying about a market means time lost. And when time is money, you can lose up to tens and thousands of dollars just by wondering, “is now the right time to invest?” Here’s some trading 101: it’s never too late to invest!
Let’s use a classic example. Bitcoin launched at 2010 and was at a measly $0.8. It was worth nothing. People laughed at Bitcoin and doubted its potential. Years later, Bitcoin exploded and became one of the most sought after investments. If you live your life afraid of all the money you could lose, then there’s a huge chance you’ll never get the opportunity to expand your finances in the first place.
6. They Are Loyal To Their Investments
Have one absolute thing that you will believe in no matter what, and stick to it. Ignore what experts say about it. Ignore the crashes (unless it’s obviously the end) and keep trodding on with your investment. If you’re lucky, then you might ride the big waves, hit the gold mine, and earn millions of dollars from a single asset. Cheers!